Where to start! What a year! This time last year we were in blissful ignorance of what was to come. Now we are all living with even more uncertainty hanging over 2021.
Despite this, we have plenty to look back on that makes us smile and that we can be proud of. New products, new team members, new ways of delivering tastings and plenty more. It’s been a rollercoaster but thanks to the amazing team around us and this wonderful community we live and work in, we’ve weathered the storm and are looking forward to exciting things ahead – namely opening our new cafe and launching gin school in the spring of 2021.

It was the end of an era for the farmhouse as we began emptying our offices so work could begin on the new cafe. The foundations of the gin school building were laid too.

We were voted Scotland’s second favourite gin for the second time running! After hearing the good news while on holiday in New Zealand, Boss Hogg got the boar logo tatooed on his leg to celebrate!

We welcomed a group from the Hebridean Princess to the estate and distillery which would have marked the beginning of a great new partnership until the pandemic hit. Life as we knew it changed completely and we responded by making hand-santiser to provide to local key service providers.

With lockdown and furlough in full-swing, Su and Boss Hogg began to clear the walled garden to allow us to grow produce for the new cafe. A polytunnel was erected, potatoes were planted and generally spirits were pretty high all things considered.

We were all fairly scunnered by this point so it seemed an appropriate moniker for our latest batch S.
Homeschooling was taking it’s toll and the ongoing closure of hairdressers and barbers was having an adverse effect on the whole team.

Hooray! We were able to un-furlough Gareth as lockdown online sales were fairly healthy. Gin seemed to go hand in hand with home-schooling. Mrs Hogg’s tipple of choice was Legbiter. At 3pm. Every day.

Hannah started work as our Tourism and Events Co-ordinator. Perfect timing as we were able to open up again! Tours were busy as was the distillery shop. We also launched our delicious Orange and Coffee liqueur.

We started running virtual tastings which proved to be a huge success and is something we will continue to do for as long as there is demand.

The gin school extenstion was completed and excellent progress was made on the new cafe. We plan to open both in the spring of 2021. Depending on The Situation of course.

We launched our Foursquare Barbados Rum under a new series of Torrisdale Castle Estate Bottlings. It’s VERY good! We also celebrated International Scottish Gin day with a sold-out virtual tasting and hosted a special negroni virtual tasting night with the Negroni Club UK.

Success at the Scottish Gin Awards! Gold for Tarbert Legbiter, Highly Commended for Kintyre Gin and the Excellence in Sustainability award for the business. Also our Oloroso Aged Gin hit the shelves and pretty much flew off them again. We’re down to the last few bottles!

We had great fun at our Gingle Bells virtual cocktail night! We’ve hosted a total of 224 screens on our zoom tastings this year and have loved every minute. It’s not just about having a good nosey into other peoples living rooms, it’s also about meeting their lovely pets and having a good old chat about our favourite subject – Kintyre Gin of course!
Wishing all our customers, suppliers, stockists, friends and neighbours a peaceful and prosperous new year when it comes. Thank you for all your support this year. Come and see us in the spring!