It’s been wonderful to see Kintyre Gin flying off the shelves in Argyll and we’re always keen to add more local retailers and bars to our list of stockists. Niall has been zooming around in our magnificent branded Boar Bus and has recently delivered to Argyll Vintners, Dunoon, Fine Malts of Inveraray, and the George Hotel, Inveraray.
However, we’ve always wanted Kintyre Gin to spread its wings and meet the demand of further away trade customers. Requests have been coming in from day one but as we wanted to prioritise Kintyre establishments, we were unable to satisfy them straight away. Thankfully stocks have now been built up and Kintyre Gin is gradually make it’s way around the rest of Scotland and into England.

Whilst we are keen to look after Argyll customers ourselves, it wasn’t realistic for us to start gadding about all over the country (even with The Boar Bus!) so we took the plunge and signed up with a distributor. We wanted to maintain as personal a service as possible so were delighted to find Huffman’s, a Dundee based company who really get what we’re about. Ramone and Gregor started the business together and their passion for Scottish produce is clear to see. They are deservedly becoming very well known in the industry and manage to combine a specialist knowledge of craft drink products with a down-to-earth, friendly approach.
Thanks to Huffman’s, you can now purchase Kintyre Gin in various establishments in Aberdeen, Arbroath, Dundee and Glasgow. Check our stockist page for more details and we’ll keep it updated with new additions.
It’s great that Kintyre Gin is becoming well known and our story is reaching wider audiences. We recently had proof of this when Emma went to greet some guests staying in one of our self-catering cottages (yes, we do more than gin! Come and stay! www.torrisdalecastle.com). James and Chloe hale from Malton in Yorkshire where James helps his dad run a specialist gin and whisky boutique, McMillans of Malton. They’d booked a break at our Garden Cottage a while ago but in the interim time, James happened upon Kintyre Gin. When he read more about it he realised it was distilled at Torrisdale Castle Estate – the very location of his forthcoming holiday.
We love a bit of serendipity! He is keen to stock our gin and will take a couple of cases away. In another twist of bizarre coincidence, James has recently started dealing with Huffman’s and has been really impressed with their service. Hopefully they can keep him well stocked up with Kintyre Gin for a long time to come.